As I skimmed job through posts on Indeed and a few other job boards looking for ideas to help a client create a job posting that would stand out, I immediately noted the differences between postings that seemed attractive and those that seemed to be advertising for a job in... a prison.

"Comply with state child care licensing rules.." "Adhere to protocol and procedures.."  "Ensure maximum enrollment and cost control.." some listings read. While others had bullet points like "Come work in a fun, reward-oriented, and flexible team environment."

Reading between the lines, I imagined both child care centers that seemed to be in financial straits or bogged down with compliance violations as well as centers that seemed to be in need of staff but were committed to working it out and building a better place for the long term.

Being middle-aged myself now, I frequently have to evaluate whether I've adapted to the current reality of working in the United States or whether my mind is somehow stuck in the past and "the way it used to be." I often ask myself "Am I a "relic?"

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a Relic as:

an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr
relics plural REMAINSCORPSE
a survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration, or disappearance
a trace of some past or outmoded practice, custom, or belief

Because I'm still able to write this blog post, I'm assuming I'm not yet a "souvenir," "corpse," "memento," or "remains." However, it is highly likely that I am guilty, in some regard at least, of employing "outmoded practices, customs, or beliefs."

Many people who own businesses in the early education space have been around for some time.  Through vastly changing regulations, adverse economic conditions, and the pandemic, the ability to keep a pulse on how to attract and retain a solid child care staff can be a puzzle.

Staffing shortages have compounded the tendency for centers to simply focus their teacher searches on its own needs versus what it can offer.  I recently heard a story from a parent that was looking to switch child care centers because half the staff at his current center had just quit.  The center had hired a new director that came in and eliminated all child care discounts for staff.

Though I understand that child care discounts can add, warehouses and fast food restaurants have higher starting wages than a child care center. The reality is that even the passion for caring for and educating young children can be overshadowed by the need to pay rent and put food on the table.  And, as such, child care centers might fair better in their staffing efforts by working on ways to retain staff and reward them for the often stressful work they do.

Small tokens of appreciate like a $10 gift card slipped into the hand of an infant room teacher and saying "I really appreciate you" can go a long way when it comes to your staff being willing to come in early when you need them or recruiting their friends to work with an owner or director that is "pretty cool." And, maybe the center can't afford free child care for all of it's staff but, how about a discount along with some sort of incentive award that gives a full week off a teacher's child care bill every couple of months based on performance?

Looking at trends in the marketplace and being creative when it comes to staffing your center can pay big dividends; especially when you run into a crunch.  It might also pay to look at yourself and whether or not you're constantly evolving. Are you adding skills and growing your ability to adjust and adapt? Are you showing leadership instead of simply complaining and barking out commands? Are you visible so that you can see and feel what's happening at your center?  If we ask ourselves these kinds of questions and take a little more time and effort as we approach staffing, we might have more long term success and avoid becoming a relic.


Skweeble App is a proprietary system that we've developed to help child care centers and other small businesses staff, communicate with their teams, be more efficient, and stay in compliance. To learn whether your center can benefit from Skweeble App or Enrollsmart, complete our contact form and we will send you more information.


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